Go through your phone book, call people and ask them to drive you to the airport. The ones who will drive you are your true friends. The rest aren't bad people; they're just acquaintances.
- Jay Leno
Well I am not sure how many of us can claim to have such friends in this age when most of our lives have been divided into two distinct components, the “real” and the “virtual”, with the latter dominating in most cases. And thus can be explained the phenomenal rise of the social networking websites. Almost everyone one knows is on them. Sadly for enthusiasts of the English language words like “facebooking” and “orkutting” (wtf?) have become common parlance. So are these sites really the villains they are so often made out to be? Let’s see.
Well the incident dates back to early August. It was my cousin’s birthday. Since he puts up in the hostel of the engineering institute he studies in, he was not at home (or so I thought). So I tried his cell phone, which was not reachable. So I sat wondering on how to do this unseemly task of wishing him on his special day. So here’s a brief timeline of what happened.
9th August, 2008
10:30 am: I am at my wits end after having exhausted all possible options to contact him.
3:30 pm: I suddenly have a brainwave (the possibility of which happening is smaller than a sighting of Halley’s comet). So I log into my Facebook account and search for him (hadn’t even done that as of yet). So I find him without breaking into much of a sweat because he has a pretty uncommon name (my appreciation for his parents grows many fold). Then I add him up hoping he checks his account today (fingers crossed).
10:15 pm: As I log in to my inbox expectantly my a huge wave of relief sweeps over me as I receive the mail that he has confirmed me as a friend [:D]. As quickly as my fingers can type I wish him by posting on his wall (just made it).
11:30 pm: I catch him online and tell him of my adventures [:P] of the day and all that I had to do to wish him. So he listens to me and then says, “Why didn’t you just come downstairs and meet. I was at home today” (He puts up just a floor below me). And I was left speechless!
So that was that. And the world was never as small as it seemed. I guess sometimes its best to do things the old fashioned way.
All hail Mark Zuckerberg!