So here I am, sitting on a fine Friday night, contemplating in all seriousness on how my time can be utilized in a more judicious sense (which rarely ever happens). And then I suddenly awaken to my pseudo sense of guilt (whose origins can probably be traced back to my incorrigible leaning towards procrastination). I recall having thought of starting a blog many moons ago, among the million other things that I promise myself each single day of my existence on this planet. So to cut to the chase, I finally kick started the proceedings in all earnestness only to be stuck wondering about the very reason I am doing this.
Why do I want to write a blog anyways? Is it because I have too many things running through my mind? Or is it because I need people’s validation for my thoughts and opinions? Or can it be the insane amount of free time engineering offers me that I got drawn to it :D? Well the truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle of all this. It could be due to all of the above or none of them. But then is that really important? I have no clue, but what I do know is that I am doing this to sort of simplify the systematic chaos (due apologies to Dream Theater, awesome album guys, by the way) that exists in me and my milieu.
So what are the posts going to be like? Hmmm, to be real honest with you, I am just as clueless as you! The only characteristics that all of them will share are that they are going to be completely indiscriminate, forthright, opinionated, at times sarcastic, to say the least. And most important of all, will offer a glimpse into the random mosaic that is me. Off I go now hoping for an illuminating experience further. So, if you have been, thanks for reading….
Well as its ur introductory post , i dont have much to say, but i just hope the blog to be what u are , as u say it is going to be. Gl hf : ) , and can you explain the meaning of the title of the blog plz ?
P.S - why do we both have to be the first ones to comment on each others blog anyways :O .
Umm...its lyk the 1st tym writin 4 sum blog,confused of wat shud go into it...but then sure had to...its a friend'z space after all...
A remarkable approach for sure..!!
N i think im sure supposd 2 write sumtin abt the author..so here it goes..
" A nice sweet padhaku ((tht was him sum 2 yrs bak)) n 4 now, more of masti goes wid him.. sure a gr8 help in technicl matters.. n a great friend to look forward to.."
Its been a real nice time being friends wid u.. U are truly responsible for my studying dude...the competition wid u was fierce..!!! thanxx a tonne for the same.. :)
Love you dear !! Keep up the fun !!
I am looking forward to more posts !
hey there!!!
well i can actually realize wht u've been thru while writing this blog!!coz I've been in a similar dilemma ever since u asked me to write bout it!!m really keen to knw..hw does tht matter neway!!lol!!
Honestly!!i feel its a grt effort u've put forward where ur frnds can even knw u better...as in i neva knew even u cud b tht confusd!!duh!!it works for sure!!
On a serious note i found it really honest...and sweet n i can feel its close to ur heart...nd thts wht tht matters!!
so my dear mr.lol..m really lukin forward to more posts on this blog...wil definitely b a fan of urs!!!
till then tk cr!!
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