
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
-Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip


Accepting the fact that everyone makes mistakes is easier said than done. Everyone of us is taught our whole lives NOT to make mistakes and have often been trained or re-enforced negatively when a mistake is made. Perfection seems to be the target of most people in their work, relationships,and life. But we all know that’s not how life functions. We all know that we are bound to trip up sometime or the other. Even then most of us live in this continual fear of screwing up instead of focusing on doing things right to the best of our judgment.

We often misinterpret our errors as being weak. That is a MISTAKE. We as human beings are fallible and the sooner we understand it the calmer and less-frenzied we’ll be. I mean what’s the point of running after some imaginary ideal notion of how everything should be done. After all we should things as per what we think is right and wrong, not on some outdated society-defined-it-like-this-so-we-will-blindly-follow-it-without-even-racking-our-brains-sorta philosophy.

I for one feel that its only by failing do we really learn, because its when the things that you do blow up in your face, that you really try to think of alternatives. Otherwise we’ll just continue to live our non-descript lives in our own little comfy shells without ever trying out ANYTHING different. On the other hand we all should make decisions that have some risk, (not to be confused with false bravado), where mistakes are likely to happen. This is common in doing anything new and especially in things outside your comfort zone . You obviously don’t need to go looking to make mistakes, but putting yourself in new circumstances and trying out new things will inevitably lead to making mistakes.

I’ve had numerous fiascos (more than I sometimes wish!), and of course one feels crappy for a while but then to let that feeling of self-depreciation become a permanent handicap to trying to out anything even slightly out of the routine will render life completely mundane and pointless. And the funny thing about it is that when we look back at our bloopers, more often than not they turn out to be so-not wasting one’s time over!

I guess what I am trying to say is that its when we leave the fear of falling that we truly begin to live (I know that sounds corny but its true!). We should always be ready to trip once in a while, take it in our stride and not to fret over it too much. Yes, I have made a ton of mistakes but then I have gained a crap load of knowledge from all of my errors. The thing we gotta keep in mind is not to make the same mistake twice. That would just make us plain ol’ stoopid [:P]